Branding Matters
In a world consumed by fierce competition and endless noise - THIS is the podcast that cuts through the clutter, revealing the secrets to success in the game of business. Join me, as I bring you exclusive interviews with visionaries, game-changers, and industry titans who discuss why branding matters.
Branding Matters is ranked in the top Branding Podcasts worldwide. It's one of Goodpods Top 100 Indie Marketing Podcasts for Entrepreneurs. And it's the only podcast to ever be listed on PPAI's #Online18 for 2022 as one of the Most Influential Social Media Voices.
Real conversations. Incredible stories. Valuable branding tips. All here to help you build a brand that matters.
Branding Matters
How to Make a Shift from “It’s All About Me” to “It’s All About We” with Charles Rosen (Ironbound Cider)
My guest today is an old friend from my university days, Charles Rosen. Since those crazy days at UWO (University of Western Ontario) Chuck, as we fondly called him, has had an incredibly diverse career…or should I say several careers.
From successful lawyer, to movie producer, to starting his own New York ad agency where he worked with some of the world's most iconic brands like Coca-Cola and Ben & Jerry’s. He even tried his hand at politics where he worked with Hillary Clinton.
Today Chuck is building his own successful brand in his latest career as a farmer. Yes, Charles Rosen is a farmer. He is the Founder of Ironbound Farm - home of Ironbound Hard Cider and New Ark Farms. Nestled in the foothills of the New Jersey Highlands, this is no ordinary farm and by all accounts, no ordinary cider. What makes Ironbound Farm and Ironbound Hard Cider so unique, other than it’s founder, is it was built on the belief that businesses must take responsibility for the impact they have on the social, economic, and ecological well-being of their communities. It’s a unique social enterprise network committed to building a collective of local farmers, food producers, retailers, and restaurateurs as an alternative food economy in which land and people thrive.
I invited Chuck to be a guest on my show, not only because of his larger than life personality, but when I think about how brands are making a shift from “It’s all about me” to “it’s all about “we” Chuck puts his money where his mouth is.
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About Me
Hey there, I'm Joelly - the Branding Badass. My BADASS superpower is helping you build a brand that matters. From branded merch to keynote speaking, when you work with me, you get results!
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